Where Are You, Portia?

Where Are You, Portia?

They used to be on shelves in groceries stores: True Story, True Romance, etc., etc. I don’t see them there any more.  When I was a pre-teen and a young teenager, those magazines were taboo. My mother would never let me read one, so I didn’t really know what was inside; I only knew it wasn’t […]

Confessions Over Coffee with Blanche

Confessions Over Coffee with Blanche

https://www.amazon.com/Blanche-Day-Manos/e/B0090018EI/ref=ntt_dp_epwbk_0 They used to be on shelves in groceries stores: True Story, True Romance, etc., etc. I don’t see them there any more. Are confession magazines (we called them Confessions) now a thing of the past, folded for lack of readership? When I was a pre-teen and a young teenager, those magazines were taboo. My mother would […]