SILENCE A soft and downy, drowsy day; The sky is furry, blurry gray, No wind to blow the snow away In patches. The trees are draped in frozen lace; The meadow is an arctic place, And house and barn, with wintry grace, Wear thatches. –Blanche
Little Cedar and the Big Storm
·Fierce winds tugged at Little Cedar. His scrawny boughs bent and swayed but he dug his roots deeper and hung onto the rock buried beneath the mountain soil. “The wind is so cold,” said Little Cedar. He shivered from his topmost limb to the bottom of his twisted trunk. “It must be nearly Christmas again.” […]

We are in a weather advisory area. A winter storm may be impending. Will we have snow? How much? It’s one of those forecasts that aren’t hard and fast, but wintry weather is a distinct possibility. Weather is like that–hard to pin it down to absolutes. However, pigs know. Before a cold spell, they’ll start […]

·As I look out my front window this morning, I see that rooftops, yard, and street are all covered in white. It isn’t snow. It’s ice. A coating of ice fell yesterday and we may get more today. Who knows? The wind isn’t blowing. Dark trees, rimmed in white, seem frozen too. It’s a frozen […]

A Quilt Around My Shoulders
·Do you know the comfort of a warm quilt, folded into half, thrown over your head and shoulders like a shawl? It is even warmer than a coat and cap because there are no gaps between coat or cap for the cold to get in. Anyway, the weather is shivery and forecast to get downright […]