It’s funny what smells can do. On this wet, quiet spring morning, I caught a brief scent of woodsmoke–perhaps a leftover from a neighbor’s fireplace–and in an instant, I was whisked a good many miles and a number of years back. Once again, I was a child on our farm. It was springtime and hope […]
Jun 5, 2024
The Magic of Smells
By Blanche Manos · 4 Comments
Filed Under: Musings · Tagged: feelings, fragrance, Manos, memories, past times, scent, Smoke, wood smoke

Jul 5, 2019
After the Smoke Has Settled
The smoke of the fireworks has settled and relative quiet now reigns. Did you all have a happy and a safe Fourth? Ned, Darcy, Flora, and I certainly hope so. I did! It was great. To start the day off, my family and I ate breakfast at a near-by restaurant, the kind that serves […]
Filed Under: Musings · Tagged: Blanche Day Manos Ned McNeil, celebrate, celebration, cozy, Day, family, fireworks, Fourth, Independence Day, mystery, Smoke, toast, women authors, women sleuths