Chapter Two The trail Miss Georgia followed dipped down into a small ravine. In rainy weather, a creek meandered through, but now only a few pools of water puddled in the low places. This wet weather creek dead-ended farther back in the woods, in a cave. Miss Georgia had only been as far as the […]

Ned and a Date with a Possible Murderer
·We’ve had so much rain this month and last! And, who knows about today? Things look mighty damp out there. Reading, writing–both go much better with rain. So, I’m going to grab a second cup of Folgers and see what Ned is doing over in Ednalee this morning. Last night she was about to […]

Jethro’s Tale
Jethro is the little stray cat who made his first appearance in Grave Shift. You might like to know how he came to belong to Darcy Campbell and her mother, Flora Tucker. Jethro’s Story Finally! At long last, I get to tell my story. I have been looking through the books a certain cozy mystery […]
I Can’t Help It–I’m Cold!
“It’s a really nice day,” they said. “It’s quite warm except for the wind,” they said. I didn’t believe it! Yesterday was cold! The wind was from the north, whipping across the plains and barreling through the trees, tossing whitecaps on the lakes. Even my newly-opened yellow crocus thought it was cold. I know how they […]