Have you read the newest Ned McNeil cozy mystery? Murder by Moonlight is available on Amazon.com. Here’s an excerpt: Had hours passed since I realized I was trapped? It felt like a century. Exhausted, I realized that beating on the wall and yelling wasn’t going to help. I was in a cocoon of earth and […]

Shocking News
·Chapter 3 Lathe sat down at the table, nodded to Abigail and Monroe, and cleared his throat. “I might as well tell you straight out that Thurston Cubbins was found dead this morning.” There was a collective gasp at the table. Thurston Cubbins, President of the only bank in town, dead? “Was […]

Coming Soon
·Coming soon to your computer screen–the next Miss Georgia mystery. Remember that Miss Georgia was thinking about her small house in the country and how she enjoyed the niceties of town living? This new mystery finds Miss Georgia moved into town, in one of the two vacant houses beside her friend Abigail. The person who […]
On We Go
·Many things have changed this year, sadly so. One of the casualties of this disgusting virus is the annual Victorian Fair at the Thompson House in Tahlequah. I’m sure the house is still decorated, at least, on the outside, but the fair that has been a staple each December will not be held this year. […]

Free Book Greets Summer
·Today is the first day of summer! Enjoy these warm, lovely days even more with a shivery cozy mystery. Grave Heritage, the fourth cozy in the Darcy and Flora series, is free today and tomorrow. It’s the rainiest July in Levi, Oklahoma’s history. A stranger in town is murdered. Darcy and Flora’s lives are threatened. […]