Slipping from tree to bush, I walked as softly as my boots allowed. It’s funny how weird things looked at night, how lonely and hushed, as if the familiar landscape were an alien planet with no life on it except mine. I stopped in the shadow of the farmhouse and listened; no sound of pickax […]

All I Need to Know…
·Darcy, Flora, and Ned have taught me a lot. Did they teach me all I ever really needed to know? Well, let’s see now, they taught me… When you’re in a dark place, keep going forward…the tunnel has to end sometime, somewhere. Don’t believe everything you hear. You are more courageous than you think. Friendship […]

Deceptive and Dangerous
·The ancient brick mansion looked as silent and still as a painting in the moonlight. Nothing and no one moved. But, the serenity of the Carver Mansion was only surface-deep. The secrets of the past had pervaded the estate, marking the inhabitant for terror or even murder. Was the tiny, fragile owner hallucinating when she […]

Resolving the Issues
·This morning, I thought it would be fun to hear a few of the New Year’s resolutions of the good citizens of Levi, Oklahoma. For those readers who don’t know, these are characters from the four Darcy and Flora cozy mysteries. Sad to say, some won’t be around to make resolutions but for those who […]