Cozy Sleuths Darcy and her mom, Flora is her name, never wanted fortune and never asked for fame, But, somehow, mysteries find them, in one way or another, and danger is the neighborhood of Darcy and her mother. A lovely, sunny Sunday in the magic month of May, finds them getting ready for their Decoration […]
Moms, Daughters, and Mysteries
·I’ve heard women say, “I don’t want to become my mother as I grow older.” What? How sad. If someoneĀ tells me I’m like my mom, I consider it a huge compliment. My mother and I were best friends. I think you’d have liked her. If you never had that privilege, you can get just […]

With Pen in Hand
·What would life be if I weren’t able to write about it? So many things to see and think about, so many conflicting emotions in one day’s time, lots of beauty, comments from others, questions about why people or things are as they are–I’d probably be like a boiling pot–I’d spill right over the edge, […]

The Wind
·Autumn wind is a mischievous wind. It blows the leaves against my door. I sweep them, and next time I look, those leaves are there once more. It rearranges chairs on decks and scratches at my windows. Is someone there or is it a game that happens when the wind blows? Sometimes the wind blows […]

Cut It Out!
·“Cut it out!” I used to hear this phrase a lot; not so much nowadays. It just means, “Stop that.” Stop doing or saying whatever. It’s a useful phrase, a word picture of taking a pair of scissors and snipping off something, or using a black marker and rubbing it out. The thing of it […]

If Is a Big Word
·How many times a day do we hear that word, if? Or, how many times do we say it? Only two letters, but it has a lot of meaning behind it. I could have gotten that job if…If I hadn’t changed my plans, that could have been me in the wreck. Or, I’ll be there […]