The sky was a blue canopy arching over the thirsty flower beds. It was time to water my front yard plants. It has been a while since we’ve had rain and those flowers were looking pretty droopy. So, I grabbed my trusty garden hose and dragged it toward the oak and the marigolds, petunias, and […]

An Angry Sky Over Our Heads
My brother, niece, and I spent the weekend at our parents’ and grandparents’ home in Oklahoma. My brother, whose home was now Minnesota, longed to hear a good old Oklahoma thunderstorm and be lulled to sleep by the patter of raindrops on the roof. Since rain was in the forecast, I told him this was entirely […]

An Eye on the Sky; Both Feet on the Ground
·It’s good to keep an eye on the sky, both literally and figuratively because unexpected danger can strike at any time. I just stepped onto the deck to get a feel for the morning. Rain! That’s the feeling in the air although right now, not a drop is falling. Somewhere in the darkness of trees, […]