It was not a church building. It was a schoolhouse. As I remember, it was painted white. There may have been a dividing curtain inside the house so that when school was in session, the teacher of the early grades could separate her classroom from the teacher and children of the upper grades. A schoolhouse […]
As Long As They Sing
There has never been a time before this, to my knowledge,when young people have been so much under attack from so many different places. Youngsters of today have to deal with issues that hadn’t entered the minds of anyone a few years back. Now, suddenly, from many directions, they are being told this or that […]
When You’ve Lost the Tune
·Sometimes it’s hard to start the day with a song; a dream seems just out of reach, feelings are hurt, we sorely miss someone who isn’t here, bodies grow fatigued, a harsh word clouds a sunny day. There’s something, though, about lifting up our heads and looking at a new day with hope that puts […]

My Dad, My Rock
·His character was as solid as the Rock of Gibraltar. He was stubborn and he could be stern. He didn’t talk an awfully lot but he had a keen sense of humor and liked a good joke. And whatever he said, I knew was the truth. The whole world might be wrong, but not my […]
Defeated by a Song
King Jehoshaphat was in trouble. A vast army was marching against him and his kingdom. He was terrified. He prayed, asking the Lord for guidance, and ordered the people to fast. In front of the community of Judah and Jerusalem, he prayed to God. A man in the group spoke up and encouraged the people. […]