Fierce winds tugged at Little Cedar. His scrawny boughs bent and swayed but he dug his roots deeper and hung onto the rock buried beneath the mountain soil. “The wind is so cold,” said Little Cedar. He shivered from his topmost limb to the bottom of his twisted trunk. “It must be nearly Christmas again.” […]
How About Another Cup?
Let’s Have Another Cup of Coffee by blanche manos · leave a comment (edit) Many years ago, every day after school, I stopped by Mom’s house for a cup of coffee. I looked forward to those times and I think she did too. We’d sit at her kitchen table and talk, not about anything in particular, just this and […]

Touching Lives
·It’s awfully quiet in my little corner of the world this morning. Not even one breeze stirs the maple out front. Rain fell during the night and dark clouds promise there may be more rain. Nemo snoozes, the refrigerator clicks on, and even the birds are still. A light shines from my neighbor’s window […]

When the Quiet Becomes a Bit Much
·It’s awfully quiet in my little corner of the world this morning. A small breeze stirs the maple leaves. Nemo snoozes, the refrigerator clicks on, and even the birds are still. The dog walker strides up the hill, her furry, four-legged charge trotting to keep up. No lights shine from any windows besides mine. My […]