My Shadow My shadow’s not like me at all; It’s three feet long and two feet tall. Two floppy ears, a pointy nose, Where I go, there my shadow goes. Four furry feet, a shortish tail, It follows close and, without fail, If I sit down, it sits down too For that’s what all good […]

Shadow on the Rock, Chapter 4
·Chapter Four, Shadow on the Rock Miss Georgia knocked on the Stone’s door and heard muttered exclamations inside. She was sure neither James Stone nor his wife was expecting anybody to drop by this late. James opened the door in overalls, shirt, and bare feet. It seemed strange not to see him dressed to the […]

Chapter Three
·Chapter Three Lathe Caldwell’s visit left Miss Georgia feeling at sixes and sevens. She’d keep busy, bake a pan of cornbread for supper. What would Tommy and Mrs. Marshall have to eat tonight? Did they have food in the house or were they counting on Jase to bring groceries from town? Miss Georgia poked more […]