Does your big toe ache when a storm is approaching? Does your cat lick its paws excessively? Does your dog pace the floor and stick close by your side? Do you feel the urge to lose yourself in a cozy mystery? For some strange and unknown reason, mysteries and weather somehow go together. For example, […]
Apr 16, 2019
The God Who Smoothes Out Tangles
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· The picture is of my finished rice sock. The pincushion was given to me by a little sixth grader when I taught in Tulsa. On the bottom, the date is 1965. Can that be true? Really? Yesterday, I tried to do some sewing on my more than fifty-year old sewing machine. I hadn’t used it […]

Sep 4, 2018
A Lesson Taught By the Sewing Machine
·It is a very old sewing machine and not a whole one, at that. Years ago, my mother removed the head and made a place for my typewriter to rest. Many years later, the typewriter was replaced by my laptop computer and now, it’s a display table for my grandchildren’s pictures. Mom bought it for […]