A damp, dank odor wafted out. I stared at the opening; I’m sure my mouth hung open as I tried to take in what had happened. A tunnel? In my snug little home? Why? Hesitantly, I stepped closer and shone the flashlight’s beam into the dark, cobwebby space. I could see no end to it, […]

The Secret of the Old House
The Secret of the Old House sounds like a Nancy Drew mystery, doesn’t it? However, it isn’t; it’s a Manos mystery, the third one in the Ned McNeil series and although the story is about an old house that has a secret (or more than one secret) that isn’t the title; the title is […]

A Whisper in the Wind
·With the wind whispering secrets to the trees and long shadows lying across brown leaves, was it any wonder that Darcy felt a cold finger of fear trace its way down her back? Something, just hidden from her sight, waited. She was sure of it. Some secret, long buried, lay beneath her feet–a secret […]

The Furtive, Mysterious, Weird Life of a Mystery Author
·Many of you will remember seeing old western movies with store buildings that had false fronts, making them appear much larger than they were. Let me tell you that people have false fronts too, sometimes without even being aware that they have them. For example, how many of you may be a secret cozy mystery […]

Facades and Fancies and Other False Fronts
·Many of you will remember seeing old western movies with store buildings that had false fronts, making them appear much larger than they were. Let me tell you that people have false fronts too, sometimes without even being aware that they have them. For example, how many of you may be a secret cozy mystery […]