A New Day

Spring flowers are peeking up from among the grass and last year’s leaves. Of all the flowers, these first ones are to me among the most beautiful. Buttercups, wild violets, bluets, all are eager to raise their heads and take a look at the big world. I’m sure there are scientific answers to why the […]

Changeable March



Hello, Old Man Winter

Today is the first day of winter, officially. It’s the shortest day of the year and henceforth, each day will get a tiny bit longer until finally, on the first day of spring, day and night will be equal. It’s pretty special, when you stop and think about it. Meteorology, in fact, all of nature, […]

Night and the Animals

Backyard bushes, green and flowering in warm weather, become gray, drab sprigs in the winter. The birds don’t mind. When moonlight silvers the yard, they crowd deep into the thick twigs, twittering and chirping, discussing the day’s happenings, content to be hidden by darkness and their stubbly cover. A few wild, forest creatures slip into […]

November Song

This last day of November dawns cloudy and rainy. Brown leaves lie on a soggy ground. A wind stirs damp tree limbs. It’s still dark this morning, but Christmas lights dot the darkness here and there.  Nemo has been out and is now in, rather wet, but he doesn’t mind the rain as long as […]