Winter’s Warning

September Song

What is your favorite song of September? “Autumn Leaves”? “September in the Rain”? “September Song”? Do you find yourself humming or singing some of those tunes as the new month comes in? If this is your birth month, two lovely stones are yours: the sapphire and lapis lazuli. You can claim the bright aster and […]

Summer Cat

A cat knows how to make the most of any season and, in particular, summer.

The Mysteries of the Summer Night

There’s a mystery about the soft, summer night, just after the sun goes down, before full darkness tiptoes through. Leaves stir with a passing breeze and flowers lift their heads to feel one last ray of the sun’s warmth.  The rabbit who lives under my storage building gives last minute instructions to her nest of […]

The May Bee

Maybe I’ll find millions of dollars. Maybe the light will dawn in people’s lives and we’ll all get along with each other. Maybe the news coming from the television will be only good. And then, again…maybe not. This is the month of May and if you see a strange-looking but busy little insect this month, […]

The Moon and Me

As I write this morning, a nearly full moon peers down at me from between the branches of the white mulberry and the maple. It is beautiful and silent, hanging up there in the sky as it has done for who knows how many years, faithfully doing what it was assigned to do and looking […]