The Titanic holds a fascination for many people. It was supposed to be unsinkable but it didn’t complete its maiden voyage. I’ve never seen the movie, nor do I plan to. It’s like reading a book where you already know how it ends and it ends in tragedy. There’ve been lots of speculation about its […]

The Discovery
·Agnes descended step after slow step, gripping the side railing. Clara had a death grip on the back of Agnes’ shirt. Maybelle’s miserable howl sounded closer. Reaching the bottom, she shone her light around the basement. Where had the two animals gone? They had seemingly vanished. She shivered. It was cold down here and […]

Big Time Disappointment
·Oh, frustration! As when a book stops and you don’t like the ending, I watched episode twenty-seven of searching for the Dutchman’s gold and couldn’t believe it. No, no, no. Surely, that wasn’t all. The last episode was the best of all. The five intrepid hunters approached the mountain from a river. Beautiful scenery. Wild, […]

The Lure of the Lost Dutchman
Last night, I watched several YouTube episodes of a group of five men in Arizona who were searching for the Lost Dutchman Mine in the Superstition Mountains. Mesmerized, I sat and watched until nearly midnight, when I tore myself away in favor of going to sleep. I’m sure you’ve read and heard about the gold […]