Wonderful rain this morning! So far, two inches. We had 3/4 of an inch yesterday, so this is great! Trees, houses, yards are all a soggy gray, but that’s a good color. Something else soggy and gray was a big ‘possum I saw this morning–I’m glad he escaped Nemo’s notice. He was moving at a […]
Dear Me, Santa
Mrs. Claus: Are you feeling better, Dear? How about a nice, hot cup of coffee? Santa (throwing back the quilts and rolling out of bed): Just what I need. The trip was hard this year. Mrs. Claus: Did the reindeer behave? Was the sleigh over-loaded? Did you face a head-wind? Santa: Yes, no, and no. […]
A Conversation at the North Pole
·Mrs. Claus: Are you feeling better, Dear? How about a nice, hot cup of coffee? Santa (throwing back the quilts and rolling out of bed): Just what I need. The trip was hard this year. Mrs. Claus: Did the reindeer behave? Was the sleigh over-loaded? Did you face a head-wind? Santa: Yes, […]

Those Mystery-Lovin’ Twelve Days
·A Cozy Mystery Writer’s Spooky Twelve Days of Christmas On the first day of Christmas, Santa brought to me: a creative cozy mystery. On the second day of Christmas, Santa brought to me: Two tidy murders and a creative cozy mystery. On the third day of Christmas, Santa brought to me Three suspects skulking, two tidy […]

Listening In On Mr. and Mrs. Claus
Mrs. Claus: Are you feeling better, Dear? How about a nice, hot cup of coffee? Santa (throwing back the quilts and rolling out of bed): Just what I need. The trip was hard this year. Mrs. Claus: Did the reindeer behave? Was the sleigh over-loaded? Did you face a head-wind? Santa: Yes, no, and no. […]

Friends and Cherished Memories
·What would Christmas be without friends? Old friends dropping in, new friends recently made, memories of friends gone by. Some of my oldest friends stay hidden deep within the recesses of boxes all year but come out once again, every Christmas. Amazingly, they didn’t always look as they do now. But, we all change with […]