My web master, Matt, has completed putting a sample of the seventh cozy mystery on this website. For some free reading that I think you’ll enjoy, click on “Samples” at the top of this page. They are free and they are introductions to each of the cozies. Fun! Yesterday was a perfect summer day, not […]

The Trio is Together
·Great News! The trio is together. The first two chapters of the third Darcy and Flora cozy, Best Left Buried are on the Samples page this morning. These join the samples of The Cemetery Club and Grave Shift. Follow Darcy and Flora through the start of their three mysteries. And thank you for doing so. Your response has been great! As if […]

Sample a Cozy Mystery
·I hope you have gone to the new Samples page on this blog and become acquainted with The Cemetery Club. To my way of thinking, reading a couple of chapters from a book gives a reader a pretty good idea of whether she wants to buy it and continue with books two and three. (And […]