What a good deal! Starting tomorrow, my publisher and Amazon will embark on a four-day countdown sale for the four Darcy and Flora books. It’s called a boxed set and all four books in the set are marketed together. The price will be only fifty per cent of the original for the first day. Aren’t […]

A House for Sale?
·In another life, I might have been a real estate agent. In another life, as an heiress to boundless wealth, I might have bought old houses, re-furbished them, and brought them back to their original splendor. But, in real life, neither of these things have happened. Go with me for a moment into the […]

Eye-Poppin’ Good News
This has never happened before! Not in this way; not so many at one time, but here it is: my publisher, Pen-L Publishing is offering four of my cozy mysteries–count them, that’s more than half of them–for only 99 cents each. Hop on over to Amazon and take a look! Here’s the link: https://www.amazon.com/Blanche-Day-Manos/e/B0090018EI. But, folks, […]

And the Sky Turned Green
·Peg has been reading (she actually never stops) and I’m glad to say she enjoys cozy mysteries, maybe best of all. Is that right Peg? One of her favorites is Gone with the Wool by Betty Hechtman. Peg is eagerly awaiting a new release by Leann Sweeney, The Cat, The Collector, and the Killer. According to Amazon, its […]

A Descent into the Depths
·A surprise: Although I don’t know how long the special price for this ebook will last, The Cemetery Club is on sale at Amazon for 99 cents. Here is an excerpt from that first Darcy and Flora cozy mystery: Flopping onto my stomach, I squeezed, head first, down the first two stone steps. I heard my […]