Remember this old jingle? “Let’s have another cup of coffee. Oh, let’s have a cup of Nescafe.” That long ago ad was meant to put people in the mood for a chat, a warm, easy beginning to a new day or a friendship, and, of course, a cup of Nescafe. That’s the sort of feeling […]

Sep 17, 2016
Ramblin’ Rose
Two More Days Until the Launch of Grave Heritage! I am pleased to announce this morning, that I am a guest on Janet K. Brown’s blog site. I hope you’ll drop in for a visit. Thanks, Janet, for the opportunity to guest on your blog. Yesterday was a little of this and a bit of […]
Filed Under: Musings · Tagged: Blanche Day Manos, cozy mystery, guest author, janet k. brown, Manos mysteries, new book, reading, rose, weather, writing