Once Upon a Rooftop (Part 4) I position the vacuum inside my fireplace in the living room. Going outdoors, I lug the ladder and brush to the eaves. The wind whips my hair into my eyes. Sam is right. The clouds are decidedly stormy. I don’t care. Maybe a little rain will help cool me […]

Once Upon a Rooftop, Part II
Once Upon a Rooftop Part Two The Lamplighter has a reputation for excellent food as well as a romantic ambience. An attractive brass and iron lantern with a candle inside is attached to the wall by every table. Potted trees and ferns are situated to give diners an illusion of privacy. As I walk into […]

One Mountain Climbed, Now Onward…
·Such an odd daylight this morning, sort of a yellowish glow. The sun is not yet up but darkness took its leave before I could reach my computer. This is the time when the world seems hushed, not fully awake. Not a leaf stirs on the trees and only a couple of neighbors have passed […]

The Mysterious and Romantic Cozy
·Yesterday I wrote about being romantic. This morning as I look out at a dark summer pre-dawn, I think of how life is a many-faceted adventure, not just one thing straight through, but a blending of many feelings and experiences. To me, romance can be a bit mysterious and a mystery can be a bit […]