So, did I see a squirrel murder a baby robin yesterday, or did I not? I glanced out of my window and saw a squirrel running erratically across my neighbor’s lawn, sort of zig-zagging. I could see the grass move in front of him, so it looked like the squirrel was chasing something on the […]

A Carpet of Gold
·A carpet of gold stretches across my front lawn and the maple has lost its glory. The last few days, the wind has done its part in whisking leaves from trees and spreading them on the ground. The white mulberry hangs onto its leaves and they are mostly still green. It is a different sort […]

Drooping a Little
·An early bird robin is on my front lawn. He runs a few feet, stops, and listens, looking for those early worms. He’s not as bright and shiny as he was in April. This time of year, robins have cared for one or two nests of babies and it’s a tiring business. However, he keeps […]

Idling Into Thursday
·A person’s thoughts are never really idle–disconnected, maybe, scattered here and there. That’s what mine are this morning. I look out at my wet, soggy ground and wonder if I’ll have a chance to get the last of my herbs planted today. Yesterday was a wild weather day. Wind lashed the trees and rain poured […]

Welcome to a Wet, Soggy World
·The picture of the mother robin and babies isn’t mine, but it might as well be. The nest is on a brick ledge like mine and the mama and her babies look exactly like the ones here at my house. The babies have hatched! The weeks of sitting on those eggs and keeping them warm […]