Dignity in defeat and graciousness in victory. I’ve often wished, if I could go back in time, that I might have been present that day, April 9, 1865, in the parlor of Wilmer McLean of Appomattox Court House, Virginia. I would like to have seen General Robert E. Lee, tall and erect, dressed in dignity […]
An Uncomfortable Post
·This is an un comfortable post because it goes against the popular narrative, the spin that is accepted by busy people, too concerned with real, up to the minute problems to be worried about something that represents a person and an event more than 150 years ago. I could just keep my opinions to myself […]
A Turning Point
·Dignity in defeat and graciousness in victory, and a turning point in American history. I’ve often wished, if I could go back in time, that I might have been present that day, April 9, 1865, in the parlor of Wilmer McLean of Appomattox Court House, Virginia. I would like to have seen General Robert […]

How Do I Say Thank You for Sacrifice?
·As I think about our country and our defenders of freedom, I think about those far-seeing, wise men who wrote our Declaration of Independence and our Constitution and I know they were directed by a higher Power. They were directed by God and our country has been blessed by God. By the way, America was […]