Do you ever enjoy going to some place warm and secure and comforting? I do. Sometimes, I retreat into childishness and have a doughnut (or two or three) and a cup of hot chocolate. I read or write a children’s story and there I am until I feel grown-up enough to take on the world […]

Pete and Pat
·Pete the peg-legged pirate lived on the sea. He had a wooden leg that began just below his knee. A bright and mouthy parrot sat upon his shoulder Who was at least as old as Pete or maybe even older. Pete had a trusty gang of men as gnarly as they come, They lived on […]
Alphabetically Goofy
·A little old man and a little old lady lived ‘neath a tree root where all was cool and shady. As their family grew, their home got larger too–a middle and an upper floor, their breezy tree home grew. To keep track of all their children, they gave each one a name And, even with […]

·Melody Mouse Melody, a small, gray mouse, lived inside a people house along with many mousey others: mother, cousins, sisters, brothers. “To be alert, you must be able. The cat may lurk by chair or table,” her mother told small Melody. “So, exercise; eat carefully.” Now, exercise, for Melody, was dancing very regularly. Her […]

The Not So Nice Mice
·A Fable By Blanche Day Manos The hundred year-old barn was home to a cow, a rooster, some hens, and a mule who pulled a plow. The days they spent in working; each one did its best, and when the sun sank from the sky, the animals wanted rest. But, when evening fell across the […]

Canebreak ABC’s
Canebreak ABC’s Red ants, black ants marching all together, through a canebreak by the river in the lovely summer weather. Many-colored butterflies drift or dream or flit among tall stalks for the very fun of it. A caterpillar wriggles and a cricket creaks a song, surrounded by the river cane, thick and green and long. Dragonflies a-dazzle with […]