At last, she did it! The roving reporter caught up with me. She asked probing questions and I did my best to provide interesting answers. Roving Reporter: Tell me, please, what led up to your becoming a writer of mysteries? I mean, well, no offense, but just looking at you, you are sort of the […]
That Cozy Little Cafe Called Dilly’s
·Our Roving Reporter is blessed with an above average amount of curiosity, as are most reporters. She is drawn to Levi, Oklahoma, and its interesting inhabitants. Wanting to become better acquainted with the town’s citizens and the reasons behind so many mysterious happenings, she sets up an interview with a man who probably knows more about what […]

An Interview with Penny the Cat, II
·A curious reporter, out to get a story, shows up in Ednalee, Oklahoma. She wants to interview Nettie Elizabeth Duncan McNeil (Ned) about her return to Ednalee and her plans for the future but, alas, Ned is not home. However, Penny the small gray cat who shares her home with Ned, is sitting sedately on […]

That Pesky Roving Reporter
Roving Reporter: I’m so glad I caught up with you, Blanche Manos. It has been a while since I’ve interviewed you and I’d like to know if anything has changed in your life. Any new books in the works? Me: I’m so glad you asked. Yes. In September, Pen-L Publishing will release the fourth Darcy […]