We may be the last generation to have lived through several things that today’s kids will never know, except, of course, by reading or seeing films of the old days or hearing their grandparents talk. Cell phones–when I was a teenager, these were still in the future. We didn’t carry phones with us. We had […]

The Night Stole Softly Down the Hills
The night stole softly down the hills and wrapped the town in darkness. Daylight fled, going with the sun as it slipped beneath the western horizon. Now, a sense of tranquility and the far away sounds of the forest blotted out the cares of the day. Down in the hollow, an owl hooted. Another answered. […]

Memories–In the Past or Always With Us?
·The morning sky is a quiet, pale blue/gray with rosy tints around the horizon. It is deceptively beautiful because it is deadly cold. I remember other January days when I was a child and the sense of excitement and adventure a new year brought. I remember bacon sizzling in the skillet, breakfast with Mom, Dad, […]