Moonstruck and Murderous, the third Ned McNeil cozy, is in its finishing up stage. I thought you might like to read an excerpt. Ned needs a quiet place to think about the mysteries swirling around her and what could possibly be behind them. She goes to her old home place just to feel the […]

A Whisper in the Wind
My dear cousin Brian sent me copies of articles he had found which first appeared in a Tahlequah newspaper in 1913. What treasures! News from county communities included quite a few items from Etta. At that time, my mother was seven years old. It was a glimpse into life a hundred years ago. A […]

Just After Sunset
·Just after the sun goes down is a great time to take pictures. Last night, I moseyed into the front yard with my camera and got a few snaps of flowers. I heard a tree frog, a spring peeper, but never did see him..These interesting little creatures have great, big voices and are quite tiny. […]

Getting Older
A few decades back, in Cherokee County, in a small house atop one of those beautiful Oklahoma hills, while rain poured and lightning flashed, I made my appearance into the world. And, true to form, we have rain again today, to celebrate my birthday. Actually, I don’t feel all that much older, but as I […]

Sitting On a Milestone and Considering
·On this cool, early April morning, I’m doing a lot of looking back. I confess it. Sometimes, a person reaches a milestone and just sitting down on it for a rest and a think seems to be in order. I’ve covered a good many miles before reaching this thinking spot–more miles behind than there are […]

A Brief Glance Back, A Long Look Forward
·This post that I wrote two years ago popped up this morning. As I read it over, I saw that I had just finished Grave Heritage and had not yet written By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. I was looking forward to another two hours with the Cozy Critters. The face of the Cozy […]