I think, sometimes, about the popular songs of the 1950s and ’60s. Take Good Care of My Baby, by Bobby Vee, was one of those songs. This must be one of those things that mark me as a Senior Citizen. But wait! Me, a senior citizen? Wasn’t it just yesterday that Bobby Vee, Fats […]

He Wrote Poetry Too
·This post, like the Carson show, is a re-run, but it was one of my favorites. Sometimes, I watch a re-run of Johnny Carson. It’s interesting to me because it takes me back to times that were familiar and to people in the news forty or so years ago. Mr. Carson’s show spanned several […]

What Is That Sound?
·(Minnesota lake photo by Missy Day Albrecht) On the north side of my house is a happy tangle of ferns, hostas, violets and lily-of-the-valley. I call this my woods garden. For one thing, it grows without much help from me. For another, this pretty group of flowers remind me of taking a walk through […]

Love Makes the Journey Worthwhile
·This is a post from five years ago. I re-read it this morning just as a means of keeping up and comparing yesterday with today. I thought, perhaps, you might like to read it again too. Ember Glow When winter’s winds blow bleak and bare The silhouettes of frozen trees, Deep within my heart […]

Rain and Remembering
What is there about rain that prompts remembering? Is it the closed in or closed off feeling from the rest of the world? Is it a childhood memory of being read to or tucking up in bed with a favorite Nancy Drew mystery while rain slid down the window and tapped on the roof? […]

Summer School at Etta
Times have changed and so have school terms. Today’s blog is the conclusion of the segment begun yesterday about the summer term at Etta Bend around 1915. This is taken from my book, The Heritage of Etta Bend. Although the picture is of an old-time school, it isn’t Etta. The words and story are my mother’s, […]