Bodies in the Bogs and Ancient Secrets

Bodies in the Bogs and Ancient Secrets

What do bodies in bogs have to do with rain in NW Arkansas or a sleepless writer of cozy mysteries? “Hail likely in eleven minutes,” declared AccuWeather. Thunder draws ever closer. Rain has commenced yet again and I can only hope if hail is an actuality, it isn’t large and damaging. The storm woke me some time […]

Loud and Dark and Stormy Morning

Loud and Dark and Stormy Morning

Stormy weather and April–they go together like a hat and a glove. Thunder is a continuous roaring in the distance, but a few minutes ago, it was directly overhead. Lightning still shivers and skitters across the wet street and the thunder is undecided about returning, but, yes! I believe another round is approaching. Fireworks for […]

A Picture Perfect  Day

A Picture Perfect Day

Yesterday was a picture perfect day if you like April storms, and the rain continues this morning.  It’s chilly too–the temperature registers forty-eight degrees. Another fireplace day. According to a report I read, the Illinois River is supposed to reach well over sixteen feet and flood stage is eleven feet. These pictures give a hint […]

If You Stub Your Toe on the Moon

If You Stub Your Toe on the Moon

If You Stub Your Toe on the Moon is a very old song, recorded by Bing Crosby in 1947 and Frank Sinatra in 1949. It’s a song about trying to reach a dream, not quite getting there, but finding something else that is even more fulfilling. The point is to try. It was a great […]

Scientists, Doctors, Critics, Friends

Scientists, Doctors, Critics, Friends

We are sometimes like scientists discovering new ideas, doctors discussing alternative ways for treatment, critics with a gentle tongue and avid readers of all things written…but most of all…friends! and believe me, we know how to keep secrets!  The Cozy Critters came yesterday in spite of a forecast for wicked weather. As it turned out, […]

Stumbling Over Pride

Stumbling Over Pride

Why on earth would I be thinking about pride this early on a Friday morning when the weather is warm and thunderstorms are on the way? What does pride have to do with anything, anyway? And, more to the point, what, exactly, is pride? says pride is delight, dignity, ego, honor, happiness, and several […]