Reflection is “a thought or writing about something, particularly in the past, or what one sees when looking into a body of water.” Reflections can be seen in eyes or heard in voices. A writer is both a reflector and a sponge. She soaks up a lot of images, words, outlooks, memories, and sifts through […]

Just Box It Up
·In many countries, this is Boxing Day. This special day after Christmas is a tradition started by elite Britishers of giving gifts to those who serve them throughout the year. The gifts are boxed and I suppose that’s where the name comes from. This is also St. Stephen’s Day, in honor of the first Christian […]

In the Midst of Glitter
·My street is dark this morning, colors are muted. Earlier, we had a bit of thunder and rain, and probably will have more today. My small Christmas tree on the porch glows brighter in the murkiness and the larger Christmas tree inside winks and blinks that it’s a special season of the year. Have you […]

Wintertime Woods
·I drove by a small grove of trees the other day and memories filled my mind of other days and other wintertime woods–times when the trees rose, gray and bare to a cloudy sky, just like this day. Brown, crisp leaves of autumn lay in heaps at their feet. The wind that stirred the leaves […]

Reflections of Eden
·The rain stopped a few minutes ago, but the sky is still dark and I’m wondering if there’s more. When storms come, whether they be rain or wintry storms, I think about those who are homeless and wish better things for them–comfort and safety, a warm and dry place to be. I wish that […]

Beautiful, Lowly Mud Puddles
Okay, let’s face it–a mud puddle is about the lowest thing in life. But, it has an undeserved reputation because I’ve never seen a puddle on the ground that was muddy–at least, until someone stepped in it. Puddles that remain after a rain can’t help that they happen to be in a low spot and […]