I’ve been thinking a lot lately about sight. Not foresight or hindsight or second sight, but another of the sight family–insight. This may be the most important sight of all, because it’s next door to wisdom. We can have all the sights available and all the knowledge possible, but if insight is missing, the […]
Famous First Lines
When you pick up a book, what attracts you first? The cover picture or do you open to the first page and read the first line? Here are the first lines from each of my seven books, The Darcy and Flora series and the Ned McNeil series. The third Ned book, Moonstruck and Murderous, is not […]

Ned’s Close Encounter of the Decker Kind
·Among all my Thanksgiving blessings, I am thankful for you, the friends of Darcy, Flora, and Ned. This morning, I’m posting a chapter from By the Fright of the Silvery Moon, when Ned was thankful to just be alive. Chapter 5 The next day passed peacefully. I kept an eye out for questionable people, invited […]

Tuesday Morning Medley
With all the reports from friends of lovely things baking, I am convicted. Today, I must at least stir up some chocolate fudge. I like the old-fashioned kind that’s just cocoa, sugar, vanilla, butter, and milk. It isn’t hard at all, just takes a long time and when it reaches soft-ball stage, it requires a […]

Ned McNeil is Thankful to be Alive
As a Thanksgiving gift to you, my readers, I’m giving you a sneak preview of one of the chapters of my work-in-progress, By the Fright of the Silvery Moon. It is a sequel to Moonlight Can Be Murder. This Thanksgiving, I am thankful for you, the fans of Darcy Campbell, Flora Tucker, and Ned McNeil. […]