As I get older, it’s the small things that matter to me the most. As the song goes, Little Things Mean a Lot. For a writer, it’s a treat to get a special Valentine from a happy reader. I remember the email I received from a fan of The Cemetery Club. She enjoyed it […]
Horn of Plenty
Although the cornucopia or horn of plenty originated in Greek mythology, it has come to mean a symbol of Thanksgiving and of gratitude for abundance. I am so grateful for my overflowing horn of plenty this Thanksgiving. Family, friends, freedom, food, health, I could go on and on as could you. A phone call […]

Blessed Be
·For Writers: Blessed be the tongues of writers, never running out of a wellspring of words. Blessed be our thoughts, that they be open to inspiration and divine guidance and also our fingers, to translate those thoughts into words. Blessed be our computers–may they never fail us, may bad reviews never assail us; blessed be […]
Fabulous February
·The adventures of Miss Georgia took us right into February and I didn’t give a proper welcome to this fabulous month. But, Miss Georgia was in the middle of solving a bank robbery and murder and couldn’t postpone the outcome. If you enjoyed Miss Georgia’s adventure, Darcy and Flora and Ned McNeil have some exciting […]