What is it about a gentle rain that is calming, soothing, and better than a lullaby for putting a person to sleep? Rain dripping from leaves and eaves, thunder rumbling softly in the distance, September, tucking the world in, a soothing backdrop to sleep. Nighttime rain is comforting; daytime rain is exciting. Why? Children know. […]

·There seems to be a let-down feeling after a holiday, at least, that’s the way it seems to me. This morning is chilly, temp in low forties, and Easter has come and gone. The trees, however, wear gowns of light green, grass is green, and birds are busy. So, no matter the feeling, spring is […]

What Kind of Weather?
What kind of weather do you prefer? Warm and springlike? That was yesterday. Rainy with a good storm to clear the air? That would be today? Or, do you like winter? Well, stick around, ’cause the weatherman says that’s what’s coming after the storm. One thing about it, weather isn’t dull. The sky is dark […]

·Since we’ve been getting a lot of rain the past few days, this seemed appropriate. Published in Guide Magazine years ago.
Quietness All Around
·It’s awfully quiet in my little corner of the world this morning. A small breeze stirs the maple leaves. Nemo snoozes, the refrigerator clicks on, and even the birds are still. The dog walker strides up the hill, her furry, four-legged charge trotting to keep up. Yesterday afternoon, the quiet was broken with a rumble […]