The clouds in the west gathered force and moved toward me as I set out on a quest for a car dealership yesterday. The brochure in the mail gave the address so why couldn’t I find it? Surely it was a large establishment proudly proclaiming all kinds of beautiful automobiles. I’m sure it was there […]
Rain at Night
·A soft rumble woke me some time during the night. No, it wasn’t the roar of tens of thousands of motorcycles in Fayetteville’s Bikes, Blues, and BBQ shindig although I went to sleep with that sound in my ears. Neither was it the soft snore of a sleeping giant somewhere overhead. It was thunder! And this morning, […]
·Last night as I stepped out on the deck and glanced up at the trees, I was struck by the beauty of contrast. Shadows draped the lower trunks of the tall trees in my yard while the sun brightened their top branches. Sunshine and shadow, light and dark. If I had not looked up, it […]
This is Friday the Whatth?
·Friday the 13th. An ominous day for those among us who are superstitions. Thankfully, I’m not burdened by belief in superstitions; I don’t even read my horoscope in the newspaper. I just don’t think a Christian needs to go there. My trust is in the Lord Jesus. He is all I need. And, after that […]
When Mystery is in the Rain
·Yesterday I wrote about libraries and books and so I awoke this morning with books and writing on my mind. Rain is falling again on northwest Arkansas and I like to think of a lovely rainy day as a good reason to stay inside my house and write. My goal in life is to add […]
Rainy Day Ramble
·When we start to count flowers, we cease to count weeds; When we start to count blessings, we cease to count needs; When we start to count laughter, we cease to count tears; When we start to count memories, we cease to count years. […]