People. Have you ever wondered what makes them tick? Have you ever pondered what keeps them going? If you knew, really knew someone, would you like what you found out? If others really knew you, would they like you? Sometimes, these questions take on too much importance. We’re afraid of letting others get to know […]

The Shadow of a Frown
·Can you frown with your voice? Perhaps in a conversation with someone, you could feel it–that accusing frown. Some conversations are just unsettling, aren’t they? No arguing but just a feeling, a tone, and you know without being told that somehow you have come up lacking. It’s not a good feeling. It isn’t always what […]

Is the Pen Poisoned?
·A while back, a small incident happened in real life that sort of put my nose out of joint and was totally frustrating. So, to relieve tension, I grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper and wrote, OneĀ old woman and one little dog lived together in a house of log. Outside the house, where […]

Frustrations and the Herb Garden
·We’ve had so much rain lately, that I hadn’t been able to stick the last of my little herbs into the ground. I didn’t want to dash out between lightning flashes and plant them in the mud. But, finally, a sunny day. I pulled up the grass and weeds that had dared to poke up […]

Sometimes I’m Happy; Sometimes, I’m Blue
·Remember the old song, “Sometimes I’m Happy, sometimes I’m blue. My disposition depends on you?” My blog post this morning is going to be a discussion of moods and what causes them. Are you ready? What makes you happy? What makes you blue? Does your disposition really depend upon another person, as Sarah Vaughan sings? […]

Selling Yourself Short? Stop It!
·Nobody likes a know-it-all, somebody who is quite ready to tell others they are wrong or have forgotten or somehow, just don’t quite measure up. Those people are best steered clear of (and prayed for). But, what if that person who is so critical of myself is me? What if I’m always telling myself and […]