It’s awfully quiet in my little corner of the world this morning. A small breeze stirs the maple leaves. Nemo snoozes, the refrigerator clicks on, and even the birds are still. The dog walker strides up the hill, her furry, four-legged charge trotting to keep up. No lights shine from any windows besides mine. My […]

Got Any Giants?
·“Got any rivers you think are uncrossable? Got any mountains you can’t tunnel through? God specializes in things thought impossible. He can do things others cannot do.” –Author Unknown That little chorus is running through my mind this morning. Many of us learned […]

Over the Back Yard Fence
Feelings are aired and problems are shared over the back yard fence. Do we need fewer privacy fences and more of the picket and chain link variety? Just a thought. Privacy fences are good for–well–privacy. The other kind is good for getting to know your neighbor. Yesterday, Peg and I happened to be in our […]
They That Be For Us
·A friend and I were visiting yesterday. She was feeling discouraged and sad because of some things over which she had no control. She was worried but she is a Christian and was reminding herself that God knows all about her troubles. We all feel overwhelmed sometimes and have no idea which way to turn […]