Let’s Have Another Cup of Coffee by blanche manos · leave a comment (edit) Many years ago, every day after school, I stopped by Mom’s house for a cup of coffee. I looked forward to those times and I think she did too. We’d sit at her kitchen table and talk, not about anything in particular, just this and […]

The Benefits of Worry
·Every day as I listen to the news, I find a new reason to worry. I think it’s time to re-print a poem by an anonymous author. Worry? Why worry? What can worry do? It never keeps a trouble from overtaking you. It gives you indigestion and sleepless hours at night and fills with […]

·This morning as I look out of my window on the world, I see a quiet neighborhood, a sleepy, just-waking-up neighborhood with shadowy trees newly emerging from night, the dedicated walker striding up the hill, a few people driving to their jobs already, and I’m grateful for normalcy. If I looked beyond the obvious and […]

A Picture of a Past Generation
My niece Missy sent me some copies of old photos she found among her parents’ pictures from the past. I’ve been enjoying them. They caused me to realize anew how quickly time flies and people and places we took for granted pass right along with time. This picture, for example, is of two cousins, […]

It Used to be Just Older Folk
·As I re-read this post from a few years back, I decided it still applied to today! A dear friend sent an email in which she mentioned her son having a birthday. She said, “It used to be just older folk who had children that age.” As my son had a birthday this week too, […]