(Lest anyone take this seriously, let me assure you that this is fiction, made up entirely from my over-active imagination.) “Ma’am, I had a report from your neighbor next street over about a disturbance coming from this direction. I’m checking to see what you can tell me about it.” The young officer standing at […]
Like You Or Me
·People. Have you ever wondered what makes them tick? Have you ever pondered what keeps them going? If you knew, really knew someone, would you like what you found out? If others really knew you, would they like you? Sometimes, these questions take on too much importance. We’re afraid of letting others get to know […]
Saying Good Morning to an Early Spring Day
·What is there about an early spring morning before the sun comes up, when the grass is soggy with yesterday’s rain? The air is hushed and listening for the robin’s song and the dove’s call to announce a new beginning. Leaves are still except when the whisper of a breeze stirs them. The wonder of […]

Don’t Get Ahead of Yourself
Don’t get ahead of yourself. Have you ever heard that phrase? I’ve been thinking a lot about it this morning. To me, it means thinking or fearing something may be true or will happen. It’s easy to over-think, to wonder and worry, not only about the future, but about what’s happening right now! Americans haven’t […]

Ahead of Yourself
·Don’t get ahead of yourself. Have you ever heard that phrase? I’ve been thinking a lot about it this morning. To me, it means thinking or fearing something may be true or will happen. It applies to me. In this period in America, it’s easy to over-think, to wonder and worry, not only about the […]