Growing Older

Growing Older

    I have a sun dial in my flower garden. On it is an inscription from a poem by Robert Browning, “Grow Old Along With Me; The Best Is Yet To Be.” I’ve always liked that line. I suppose Robert and Elizabeth Barrett Browning had a wonderful marriage and did grow old together. Some […]

He Wrote Poetry Too

He Wrote Poetry Too

  This post, like the Carson show, is a re-run, but it was one of my favorites. Sometimes, I watch a re-run of Johnny Carson. It’s interesting to me because it takes me back to times that were familiar and to people in the news forty or so years ago. Mr. Carson’s show spanned several […]

September’s Song

September’s Song

The first day of a brand new month, September. This month closes out summer and ushers in fall. We’ll be thinking colored leaves and fall rains. If you were born in September,  your birthstone is the sapphire and your flower is the morning-glory. A soft, gentle rain falls again this morning. It looks like a […]

Perils of Poe and Poetry

Perils of Poe and Poetry

Something weird is in the air. It’s in my nose and ears and hair. Last night, I read a lot of Poe, and now, I can’t talk right no mo’. The things I say come out in rhyme; not just once, but all the time. The sun is shining, bright as can be; the whole […]

A Small World After All

A Small World After All

God’s Small World God made a tiny, shiny world in blades of grass and flowers, Where crickets creep and spiders spin and dewdrops fall in showers. And in this small, this crawly world are secrets and surprises. The caterpillars creeping here wear summertime disguises. No one but God could think of it; I don’t know […]

Possibilities in Two Tiny Hands

Possibilities in Two Tiny Hands

It has been a long time since my son was born, and even a lot of years since my grandchildren were born, but I still remember the anticipation as we waited to see whether we’d have a girl or a boy. Then, what would that child be, his special talents and likes and dislikes? This […]