I’m a devoted watchdog, valiant and kind […]
The Wind
·Autumn wind is a mischievous wind. It blows the leaves against my door. I sweep them, and next time I look, those leaves are there once more. It rearranges chairs on decks and scratches at my windows. Is someone there or is it a game that happens when the wind blows? Sometimes the wind blows […]
Edgar Allen Me
·A reprint from a few years ago. With apologies to the great Edgar Allen Poe. Something weird is in the air. It’s in my nose and ears and hair. Last night, I read a lot of Poe, and now, I can’t talk right no mo’. The things I say come out in rhyme; not […]
Rhymed Reminisces
·by Blanche Day Manos Don’t tell me they are gone, for I can see them still The house, the spring, the burr oak tree, the barn beneath the hill. I smell the sausage sizzling, I hear the rooster crow, The sounds and scents of each new day that woke me long ago. I feel the […]
“Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.” – Edgar Allan Poe. Poe published this unforgettable poem in 1845. Using words […]
The Birthday of a Master
For goodness sake, it is not a foregone conclusion that all is doom and gloom. I refuse to budge an inch from my belief that all will be well. All the phrases in italics are attributed to William Shakespeare, that great master of words, who was born on this day in 1564 and died on this day […]