A First Sifting of Snow

A First Sifting of Snow

The view from my front room window is different this morning–lawns are covered in white. So far, we don’t have much but it sure is pretty. It makes the darkness light, covers over the not-so-pretty things, and paints the world with peace and beauty, As we hurry to do last minute chores to get ready […]

A Great Review at Summer’s End

A Great Review at Summer’s End

Sometimes something comes along to really lift the spirits and cause the sunshine to be just a tad brighter. That’s what happened yesterday when Deb Forbes posted her review of By the Fright of the Silvery Moon on her blogpost, Mystery Reading Nook.  The first thing I noticed when I clicked on http://mysteryreadingnook.blogspot.com  was the book Deb […]

And What Is So Rare As a Day in June?

And What Is So Rare As a Day in June?

Then, if ever, come perfect days…Yesterday was one of those rare, perfect days spoken of in the poem by James Russell Lowell. The weather was perfect and that set the tone for the day. I sat on the deck and began reading again, for the third or fourth time, The Red Lamp by Mary Roberts […]

Is It Morning Yet?

Is It Morning Yet?

Morning is here, but you couldn’t tell by looking. It’s dark! It’s rainy! Once again, Nemo looks up at me with apologetic eyes and says there’s no way he’s going out in a downpour. I explain that he could run out, do the necessary, dash back in and have a nice, crunchy bone as a […]

‘Twas Christmas Eve

‘Twas Christmas Eve

I woke up this morning and sprang from my bed, with thoughts of a busy day rife in my head. Now on with the coffee pot, on with my blog; fill the bird feeders and also the dog. Quick, to the kitchen I go in a hurry; from counter to stove top I scoot and […]

Windy Wednesday Wanderings

Windy Wednesday Wanderings

Changeable March Unbridled, unsaddled, unfettered, and free Thundering through the sky, Shaking and waking each slumbering tree, March comes galloping by. For one moment, stormy, the next moment still, Basking in morning sun, Fractious, then gentle, he changes until Spring has truly begun.                         […]