I read a lot and a lot of what I read are cozy mysteries. I finished one a couple of days ago and enjoyed it thoroughly. The conversation sparkled. The protagonist was likable and the plot was not the usual one but it was intriguing. I liked this book so well that I decided to […]

Natural Phenomenon and Mysteries
·Does weather affect life? Indeed, it does. Flights are cancelled, trips are re-scheduled, schools are closed, plans are completely re-arranged, all because of the weather or the threat of bad weather, or earthquakes. (As a side note, last night, I saw part of an old movie about an imaginary earthquake shaking New York City. […]

Idling Into Thursday
·A person’s thoughts are never really idle–disconnected, maybe, scattered here and there. That’s what mine are this morning. I look out at my wet, soggy ground and wonder if I’ll have a chance to get the last of my herbs planted today. Yesterday was a wild weather day. Wind lashed the trees and rain poured […]
Do We Speak the Same Language?
·Don’t you love it when you find someone who speaks the same language as you? I don’t mean language peculiar to any ethnic group, but people who have similar interests and enjoy talking about them. For example, history. I love history! Particularly, I love American history because America is my beloved country and I […]

A Confusing Kind of Morning
·A mockingbird, a cardinal, and a bluejay are pecking around on the grass. They may think spring has come early, or perhaps they are just taking advantage of the lull in winter. It is a confusing kind of morning–is it winter or is it not? As a reader, you probably have favorite scenes in […]