A dark, rainy morning. Thankfully, we’ve missed the vicious storms that hit Iowa and other places. My heart goes out to those people. A robin is cheerfully proclaiming a new day, maybe thinking of all the earthworms that will come tunneling to the top to keep from being drowned. As a hard shower started a […]
What’s In the Canebreak?
Canebreak ABC’s Red ants, black ants marching all together, through a canebreak by the river in the lovely summer weather. Many-colored butterflies drift or dream or flit among tall stalks for the very fun of it. A caterpillar wriggles and a cricket creaks a song, surrounded by the river cane, thick and green and long. Dragonflies a-dazzle with […]

Red Shamrocks and Courage
·It lay there, scattered on the ground. Shattered red leaves were strewn across the dirt and all that was left was a tangle of roots with one or two drooping leaves still hanging on. I carefully dug it out, put it in a pot, and carried it into the kitchen. Now, it rests on the […]

Among Green, Growing Things
·Yesterday, I worked in my front flower garden, pulling out tiny maple sprouts, checking to see if any wildflowers are poking through the ground. So far, one lone zinnia. I wonder why more haven’t come up? I planted a lot of heirloom seeds. The squash plant is doing great, blooming, looking healthy. I hope it […]