At yesterday’s cozy critique, all bases were covered as far as the table went. The napkins were from last fall, the paper plates from Christmas, and the cake and jelly beans were from Easter. (I had frozen the cake.) And, as far as Cozy Critters went, all bases were covered there too. We had a […]

Thoughtfulness on Paper
Yesterday, I got a packet in the mail from the young people at our church’s school. I get one every year about this time, just before Valentine’s Day. It never fails to cheer me. Inside the brown envelope are small, hand-made Valentines. The children have written small notes of encouragement, and they include Bible verses. […]

The Amazing Mystery of Change
·Sometimes change happens suddenly. Sometimes, it’s gradual, but whichever it is, it is a mystery. When I went to bed last night, the maple tree in front of my window was basically green. This morning, orange leaves adorn the tree–not altogether but a good sight more than were there last night. More and more of […]

A Drift of Ireland’s Mist
Since my return from Ireland, I seem to be in two places: one, the here and now with the excitement of books about to be published, the other, a mystical island in the Atlantic, where ancient towers still keep watch on the surrounding countryside. I close my eyes and see swans floating on the River […]