It was not a church building. It was a schoolhouse. As I remember, it was painted white. There may have been a dividing curtain inside the house so that when school was in session, the teacher of the early grades could separate her classroom from the teacher and children of the upper grades. A schoolhouse […]

Stern, Thorough, Memorable
·He was stern, thorough, and I still remember him after a distance of several decades. He was a short man, fairly round with a thatch of white hair. He was born and raised in England and he spoke with a British accent. His name was Mr. Stone. He was my first piano teacher. Every week, […]
·Yesterday was one of those rare, glorious weather days in Northwest Arkansas and Northeast Oklahoma. It was a perfect day for a small excursion to the town of five generations of my family, the capital of the Cherokee Nation, Tahlequah. Trees were just beginning to turn colors, warmed by the sun in a cloudless sky. […]