Like You Or Me

People. Have you ever wondered what makes them tick? Have you ever pondered what keeps them going? If you knew, really knew someone, would you like what you found out? If others really knew you, would they like you? Sometimes, these questions take on too much importance. We’re afraid of letting others get to know […]

Milestones and Life

Milestones and Life

  At certain milestones, it’s nice to look back and do a little check-up on life. So, this morning, I’m waxing philosophical. We all go through storms and some storms leave imprints that are impossible to erase. But, the happy times, the bright and sunny moments far out-weigh the dark times and those are the […]

It Wasn’ His Fault

It Wasn’ His Fault

Is the past really the past or does it reappear now and then? I saw one of my old college professors the other day, even though he has been dead a good number of years. Now, before you think I’ve gone completely round the bend, let me explain. Actually, I didn’t see him but I […]

A Juicy Morsel

A Juicy Morsel

  Have you ever admired a beautiful painting or enjoyed a particular book and then some helpful person came along and pointed out the flaws? Yes, the painting would have been fine, except… and the imperfections are pointed out. Or, how about this: The book would have been really great if the author hadn’t made […]

Thoughtfully True

Thoughtfully True

If you haven’t heard or read this for a while, I think you’ll enjoy the animated tale of The Boy, the Man, and the Donkey. It illustrates what I’ve been thinking  lately–we can’t please everybody and it’s a waste of time to try.  Examples are the people the man and boy met along the […]

Where Did You Go?

Where Did You Go?

Maybe it’s a sign of my age, or maybe not. At any rate, I think children of today may never know about the personal touch that I used to take for granted. I don’t take it for granted any more, because it is rare. Oh, it’s there, just not as prevalent as it used to […]