Have you ever asked someone the time and she tells you how to build a clock? Sometimes a simple answer is better than a long one. This morning, I’ve listed my six cozy mysteries and described each one with only three words. Do you agree? How would you describe each of them, using only […]

Thoughts for a Chilly Thursday
·Some mornings, even a hot cup of strong coffee has a hard time making inroads. This is one of those mornings. Maybe it’s the thought of a coming snowstorm and the inclination to hibernate. Whatever is causing it, I am slow on getting started with the morning. Nemo has the right idea. He has […]

How Do You Look at Things?
·My sister-in-law Linda and I found these old glasses in their case when we were cleaning out Mom and Dad’s storage room. I know two things about them: they are old and I like them a lot. They did not belong to my parents and I’m guessing some previous owner of the house and storage […]

The Joy of My Heart
God keeps me busy with the joy of my heart, so says King Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes. Have you ever thought about that? What do you love most in this world? Are your thoughts and your hands busy with whatever that is? God gives gifts, to this one a certain gift,to another person, […]