For the first time since last fall, the Cozy Critters met at my house yesterday. We had had a couple of luncheon meetings at a restaurant, but it was great to be together again, the coffee hot and bracing, the cookies close at hand. As it turns out, it was a better day weather-wise than […]

And the Sky Turned Green
·Peg has been reading (she actually never stops) and I’m glad to say she enjoys cozy mysteries, maybe best of all. Is that right Peg? One of her favorites is Gone with the Wool by Betty Hechtman. Peg is eagerly awaiting a new release by Leann Sweeney, The Cat, The Collector, and the Killer. According to Amazon, its […]

Critter Time!
This morning, rain drums against the deck, lightning flashes through the darkness and thunder grumbles. But inside? Ah, the Folger’s Coffee is hot, Nemo is snoozing, and I’m itching to tell you about yesterday’s Critter Time. As we critiquers gathered, my house livened up considerably. With hugs and hellos, we headed for the coffee pot or […]

The Buzz About Bees
Yes, indeed, bees were one of the things we Cozy Critters discussed yesterday. Critiques are always a fun time and topics are far-ranging, but we actually do zero in on writing and books too. Jane read us the continuing adventures of Murphy the Puddle Duck. We are encouraging her to put these stories into a book. […]