(Minnesota lake photo by Missy Day Albrecht) On the north side of my house is a happy tangle of ferns, hostas, violets and lily-of-the-valley. I call this my woods garden. For one thing, it grows without much help from me. For another, this pretty group of flowers remind me of taking a walk through […]

Whippoorwill Winter?
Is this whippoorwill winter? The calendar says it’s spring. The grass, newly-leafed trees, robins, all say it’s spring but, somehow, the weather isn’t cooperating. A cold snap usually happens about the time whippoorwills return from their wintering grounds, so maybe it’s whippoorwill winter. I miss hearing the whippoorwills and owls. I heard them often […]

A Day of Remembrance
·It was exactly one hundred years ago. My mother recalled the day well. On the eleventh day of the eleventh month at eleven o’clock, in 1918, Germany signed an armistice agreement with the Allies and the Great War ended. Millions of people had died but now, the world could begin to recover and, perhaps […]

When the Whippoorwills Call
I miss hearing whippoorwills and owls. I heard them often as a child, at night, with Mom and Dad in the next room and the world’s problems far away. Owls and whippoorwills are still out there, somewhere, in the dark woods at night, doing whatever night birds are supposed to do. Only thing is, I […]

A Bodiless Voice in the Maze
·The morning comes gently in, leaves on the trees not moving, the squirrel on the mailbox post quietly munching something, and Nemo cautiously approaching the door, sniffing the scents of last night’s fireworks. He survived another noisy Fourth and I’m sure he is inwardly rejoicing at the serenity of the morning after last night’s […]

Out With the Trash and Debris
Trash! It does accumulate, doesn’t it? Before we know it, we have caches of stuff that we don’t use any more, but we hold onto it with a feverish grip born of familiarity. Sometimes, we get so used to it we don’t even see it any more; it’s just part of the scenery. Yesterday, I […]