Do you recall the story of Francis Scott Key and how he came to write The Star Spangled Banner? British ships bombarded Ft. McHenry all night and when morning came, Mr. Key anxiously scanned the sky to see whether the American flag still waved at the fort. The morning light finally revealed that magnificent banner, […]
Check That Foundation!
·If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? —Psalm 11:3 Before a builder builds a house, he pours a foundation. If the foundation is not solid, the house has problems. Sometimes, a foundation is firm to begin with, but, through the years, things happen. Water can seep in, causing cracks. A too dry climate […]
·Independence Day is coming up, when we celebrate our freedom. But, what is freedom? We can’t see it; we see only the results of it. We can’t hold it in our hands yet it is bought at a great price. It seems that so many things that are vital to life and happiness are invisible […]

·My brothers, Thurman, Tracy, and Richard, my brother-in-law Ray served in the Navy; my husband in the Army; my nephew Clint joined the Marines. They all came back home, all except Clint. We lost him to an awful place called Viet Nam. I think of Clint often and especially on Memorial Day. The United States […]
Can You Live Without It?
·Freedom! Millions have died to obtain it or keep it. Without it, what do we have? I’m just asking. Do we have security from fear of retaliation? Do we have the warm feeling of belonging? Do we have a feeling of superiority? From what do we want to be free? And what is worth giving […]